A project by Clean Mobility Collective and STAND.Earth

CMC launches the Amazon #DeliverChange at its Corporate Headquarters in Seattle–and around the world!

  • May 24, 2023

This week, Clean Mobility Collective (CMC) launches its inaugural global campaign asking Amazon to #DeliverChange by committing to 100% zero emissions for last-mile delivery by 2030. Events kicked off in Seattle, home of the Amazon Corporate Headquarters and key decision-makers, by going directly into the office with our demands and holding a press conference. 

Speakers included Amazon workers, youth leaders, and community members from communities disproportionately impacted by air pollution, targeted for e-commerce warehouse development in the Inland Empire, California and Tacoma, Washington. 

“I might face retaliation for speaking out…the truth must be told…the smog runs so thick…we can’t observe the mountains, the sky is always gray..” said Cesar Arce of Inland Empire Amazon Workers United in front of Amazon HQ about the responsibility of the company for climate chaos.

The youth delegation led a delivery of the CMC’s demand set for zero emission deliveries by 2030. We sent a powerful message to Amazon CEO Andrew Jassy –  that Amazon needs to take responsibility for its air pollution —- and that the world is watching.

There was strong showing from local media outlets, many Amazon employees on their way to work stopped to learn more, and the speakers were incredibly powerful.

Deliver Change Campaign Event

Deliver Change Campaign Event

Deliver Change Campaign Event

Deliver Change Campaign Event